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Published: 14-May-12
4 Tips On How To Avoid Hair Loss In Men
In our society, a man losing his hair as he ages has long been held as one of those inevitable things in life, such as death and taxes, and that there isn't anything that can be done to stop it. Fortunately for many men, science has made advances in understanding what causes hair loss and finding effective ways to stop it and possibly even reverse it. That means that you can learn how to avoid hair loss in men.

Scientists used to think that baldness was an inherited trait, but new research is showing that that may not be the case. We now know that an overabundance of the hormone DHT might actually play a role in hair loss. When your body has too much DHT it tends to lead to what is called Follicular miniaturization. That means the hair shaft becomes smaller and smaller over time.

Here are some things you can start doing right now. These tips will help you keep your hair and scalp healthy so you can minimize the effects of DHT and stop, or at least slow down, your hair loss:

1. Keep your head clean. All the hair products you use on a day to day basis can build up on your scalp and prevent the hair follicles from growing properly. Thoroughly washing your scalp every day can help remove that buildup which can keep the coast clear for new hair growth.

2. Great hair starts on the inside. No part of your body can function at it's best if your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs. Eating a well balanced diet will pay many dividends, not the least of which is healthy hair. Make sure you get plenty of zinc, copper, and lean protein in your diet by eating things like: fish, leafy green vegetables and eggs. Also make sure to drink plenty of water, that will keep your body and your hair properly hydrated.

3. Use shampoos that amp up the hair you still have. These volumizing shampoos can make your hair thicker so use them on a regular basis.

4. You can also make a trip to your doctor or your local pharmacy. There are many prescription and over the counter hair loss treatments that have shown to be effective for some men. Remember, not all products work for all people so it may be necessary for you to do a little trial and error. Also keep in mind that many of the prescription drugs for hair loss have a lot of unpleasant side effects. Carefully discuss these possible side effects with your doctor or pharmacist before you choose which product to use.

We're lucky we live in a day and age where science is learning more and more about many of things we had for so long thought to be inevitable. We now know that we can learn how to avoid hair loss in men. By following the simple tips above you can dramatically reduce your hair loss and maybe even regrow some of the hair you've lost.

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