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Published: 27-May-12
Cashless Society-Never See One Red Cent
There are probably plenty of people today that think the moves that are being made to a cashless society are good ones. They get their paycheck directly deposited into their bank account and then use their debit card to make purchases.

If they have truly set up their own little cashless society they probably pay their bills online as well. They never see one red cent, they never hold a dollar bill in their hands anymore and they do not even have a checkbook either.

Everything they do and buy is with that little plastic card they get from the bank.

I for one still like the idea of having some bills and coins in my pocket, it makes me feel more secure. That may sound silly but I work hard for my money and like to see some of it on occasion.

There is even a more advanced form of being able to make purchases on the rise today as well. Cell phones.

You have most likely seen the commercial of the guy sitting in his chair, then realizing he has to go to the bank he gets up and gets into his hat and coat only to realize once more that all he has to do is take a photo of both sides of his check and send the photo to the bank to make his deposit. Then he removes his hat and coat and sits back down.

I agree that this sounds like a neat idea but then I think, why has he not just set up direct deposit with the company he works for? Maybe this works for third party checks as well but they make the commercial seem like it is his weekly paycheck.

I guess that in this ever growing, ever changing digital world this is called progress.

Then there are all of those restaurant and retail store gift cards and reloadable cash cards, too. Some of the cash cards are not reloadable but the idea is still there. You can usually purchase one of these cards for one of three set denominations from $25 to $100.

They are put out by the two major credit card companies Visa and Mastercard and can be used just about anywhere and for anything. All that is required of the user is to register the card online or by phone to activate it. Much like activating a credit card.

If everyone has the ability to pay for things they want electronically, almost no one would need a credit card. Buying small things on credit could possibly become a thing of the past.

Major purchases like buying a house or a car would still require a person to have a good credit rating but maybe consumers would stop getting themselves in way over their heads if they found it easier to live within their means.

Having instant access to their bank balances and the ability to pay using their cell phone could make the idea of a cashless society a reality sooner than anyone thinks.

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