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Published: 27-May-12
Airline Price Wars-Capitalize On Your Air Fare
Most people travel to some degree or another, be it for vacation or work. Whether you travel a lot or just the odd vacation, you will want to make sure you get the best deal on any airline tickets. Taking a plane can be a bit pricey, especially when you add it into all the other expenses you have to deal with when traveling, so making sure you pay the least amount of money is an important aspect to keep in mind.

If you are looking for some ways to help capitalize on Airline price wars and get yourself the best possible deal, then look no further. The following list of tips are things you can do fairly easily, but despite being easy they can also save you a lot of money.

1: Book your flight in advance. If you know you are going to be flying somewhere months before your actual trip, then book ahead. Many airlines will offer discounts to those who book a month or more before their actual flight. You can also use the months leading up to keep tabs on the various competing airlines, as prices can fluctuate greatly as the different companies get into Airline price wars, driving overall prices down.

2: Be flexible. If you are going to be traveling somewhere, try to be as flexible as possible. What day you fly on, or even what time of the day can greatly effect your prices. If you book a flight during off days where people do not want to travel, as well as times when people do not travel, you can get huge discounts. It is a little more cumbersome, which is why a lot of people do not do it, but it is a great way to save yourself a little extra money.

3: Check for upgrades. A lot of airline companies will offer a variety of deal packages and upgrades that most travelers simply are not aware of. For example, active military personnel often get a discount on many flights. Other such great deals can be out there if you go looking, so with just a bit of investigative work you can save yourself even more money.

4: Bundle up. This is a more common approach to getting a good deal on your airline, as I am sure you have seen commercials telling you to bundle up your services. But it is true, if you bundle up your hotel, rental car, and flight you can often save money then if you had paid for each one separately. If you are going to be using these things anyways, why not take the cheaper approach?

Finding ways to save money on your trips really is not that hard. While it can be a bit time consuming, especially if you wait for Airline price wars to drive the prices down, it ultimately does not take that much effort and can make a huge impact. Every dollar you save on your traveling expenses is another dollar going to your vacation, or anything else you may want or need it for.

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Republished with author's permission.